How to set up Windows 7 search tools

Windows 7’s search features are vastly superior to those of previous versions of the operating system. Once Windows 7 is installed, the user’s personal folders are automatically indexed and monitored to detect any changes to the data within them using the built-in file and folder search function.
The index that Windows 7’s search function creates and updates includes data not just about the file’s name and location but also, potentially, about the file’s contents.
Several Windows 7 customers claim that the search feature doesn’t work, prompting them to look for alternatives in third-party applications. When set up properly, Windows 7’s built-in search function produces top-notch outcomes and expedites the process of locating desired files.
How to search for files on windows 7

Searching for files and folders in Windows 7 isn’t as easy as it seems at first.
In actuality, the OS offers such a rich set of options for pinpointing the pieces that match specific criteria that they should be able to meet the requirements of a wide range of users.
Type the file’s name or one or more words found within it into the Windows 7 Search programs and files box to locate it on the hard drive quickly.
When a program, document, video, image, or other file type is searched for, the operating system will quickly indicate whether or not the object has been discovered.
In Windows 7, if you click the Start menu and then click the Search programs and files… option, the name of any documents you have saved in your Documents folder (%userprofile%Documents) will be highlighted in the results. If you type a term that appears in one of the files in the Documents folder, Windows 7 will list all the files in which the term appears at least once.
On Windows 7, the search settings are most likely incorrect if the desired file is not in the default location or if a file cannot be located based on its content.
Windows 7 search tools: Modify your options and choose which file types to index

Just typing indexing options into Windows 7’s Search programs and files box will reveal the folders whose contents are being automatically watched by the operating system in the Paths to index box under the Search tab.
Of course, you can add new paths by clicking the Edit button; doing so will enable fast searches in Windows 7 throughout the contents of any directory you specify.
If you go to the folder’s properties and select the Edit button, you can see if Windows 7 has indexed it. You can select other folders whose contents you wish to index by ticking the respective boxes.
While it may be tempting to index everything on your computer, such as the C: drive, doing so can slow down search results and even show you files that have nothing to do with your search.
You can verify the file types that are not included in the index by clicking on the File types tab, and if you select the Advanced option, you can decide to recreate the whole index used for searches ( New Index button).
When there have been numerous modifications to the list of folders that will be automatically indexed, recreating the new index may greatly assist. Selecting a New index will clear the search index and alert Windows to the fact that it needs to be recreated from scratch.
Windows 7 and advanced search. How to make the most of it?
The advanced search feature in Windows 7 has been there for almost two years, and you still don’t know how to utilize it. It’s too bad because Microsoft has significantly improved this function in Windows 7, making it handy for searching documents and any kind of file.
Whatever you’re looking for, you must hit the start button, type it into the search box, then hit the enter key. Your search results will show up instantly, and while they may be helpful, they may not be quite what you were hoping to find. There’s no need for rage; just click “More results,” and you’ll see what I mean.
What to expect from the search tool?
More relevant results will appear on the results page when the search topic is highlighted. These findings and other information like file size, duration (in the case of mp3 or video files), thumbnails (pictures), and placement on the hard drive should help you solve your problem. Also, the page may save the search if you need to run it again at regular intervals, making it useful for file analysis and comparison.
How does it work?
Very little effort is required. After clicking the Save Search button, a new bookmark will be added to your Favorites list. Just by clicking this bookmark, you can start your search again.
You can save as many searches as you like, but before you do, remember that you can always refine your results by modifying the search object.
Do you wish to locate all files that contain the word “Clock” and are no larger than 3 MB? First, launch Windows Explorer and type the name of the item you wish to locate into the box provided. Next, press the Size button to filter results based on your set size criteria. Windows provides default numbers, and it is up to you to determine what time frame works best for your needs.
Were you dissatisfied with the outcomes, and do you now feel like you’re starting from scratch? Not to get down on ourselves just yet, but let’s see what you can do by clicking “Custom” at the bottom of the search results.
You have “full control” of Windows. By checking the boxes next to the relevant folders, you may request a search be conducted inside those specific locations. Having many hard drives and storing your work, movies, and/or mp3s in “strange locations” outside of the typical Documents, Music, Videos, and Photos folders can be “easier” with such a system.