


  • 点击下载标准版 (办公电脑、笔记本适用,支持100+种文档全文搜索)
  • 点击下载增强版 (高性能电脑、服务器适用,支持图片和扫描文档内文字搜索)
  • 点击下载x86_64架构Linux标准版 (适配国产信创安可环境。适合安装在Intel、AMD、兆芯、海光[HYGON]等CPU上的UOS、麒麟[KylinOS]、凝思[LINX]、深度[Deepin]、Ubuntu、CentOS等系统)
  • 点击下载aarch64架构Linux标准版 (适配国产信创安可环境。适合安装在ARM64、AARCH64、飞腾[Phytium]、麒麟[Kirin]、鲲鹏[Kunpeng]等CPU架构上的UOS、麒麟[KylinOS]、凝思[LINX]、深度[Deepin]、Ubuntu、CentOS等系统)


Release Notes:

2025-2-9 Version 1.3.1949

  1. Add support for Linux X86_64 system;
  2. Add support for Linux ARM_64 system;
  3. Add support for MacOS system;
  4. Add the feature of indexing progress;
  5. Add the feature of file viewing history;
  6. Abandon support for 32-bit Windows;
  7. Fix the issue of can’t search for rclone mapped drive;
  8. Fix the issue of can’t search for cryptomator mapped drive;
  9. Fix some other issues;

2024-9-12 Version 1.3.1517 (The last version to support 32-bit Windows)

  1. Added the feature of using regexp to search file content text;
  2. Added Full-Text Search API(Beta) for file content text. Please refer to menu Help->API;
  3. Added OCR API(Beta) for extract image text;
  4. Remove fuzzy search as it is the default match type for advanced search;
  5. Fixed some other known issues;

2023-12-30 Version 1.3.1260

  1. Added the feature of compressed archive formats (zip, 7z, rar, iso) indexing and searching. Please manually add it if you need by menu: Options->Index Manager->Index Rules;
  2. Added the feature of OCR running on 32-bit Windows operating system;
  3. Added feature to sync file contents based on a specific time;
  4. Reduce the CPU and memory usage during OCR. Old computers can also run the OCR feature;
  5. Fix the issue that the .xls worksheet name cannot be searched;
  6. Fix the issue that it will take some space on the system disk when indexing;
  7. Fixed some other known issues;

2023-4-8 Version 1.3.1112

  1. Added the feature of floating the text preview window, for easy dual-screen viewing;
  2. Added the feature of saving path filter history;
  3. Added the feature of filtering path by customizing words;
  4. Fixed some other known issues;

2023-3-19 Version 1.3.1094

  1. Added the feature of online search at raw text preview window;
  2. Added bookmark feature ;
  3. Fixed the issue that indexing never completes;
  4. Fixed some other known issues;

2023-2-1 Version 1.3.1043

  1. Added the feature of starting Anytxt at boot;
  2. Added the feature of scanned PDF text indexing and search;
  3. Added the feature of changing Anytxt font;
  4. Fixed the issue that USB device occupation;
  5. Fixed the issue that some azw3 file encodes detect incorrectly;
  6. Fixed some other known issues;

2022-11-26 Version 1.3.1019

  1. Added support for binary file (exe, so, dll) full-text indexing and search;
  2. Added the shortcut key Atl+G to the preview window to search for global content;
  3. Added the shortcut key Atl+S to the preview window to search the content of this file;
  4. Add the snippet to the search result item in the preview window;
  5. Fixed the problem of characters in Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and other local encodings of chm files;
  6. Fixed the problem that the wrong file name was displayed in the preview window after the result list item was clicked;
  7. Fixed some other known issues;

2022-11-13 Version 1.3.1008

  1. Added support for Edraw Max full-text indexing and search;
  2. Added support for WizNote full-text indexing and search;
  3. Added support for text in image (OCR) full-text indexing and search;
  4. Added the feature of exporting the search result list;
  5. Added the feature of show search terms snippets;
  6. Added the feature of the multi-preview window;
  7. Fix the problem of google translation not working in China;
  8. Fix the problem of the crash on some computers at ver1.2.941;
  9. Fixed some other known issues;

2022-9-3 Version 1.2.941

  1. Added the feature of the line number;
  2. Added the feature of the line match tags in the text preview window scrollbar;
  3. Added the feature of regex search in the preview window;
  4. Added Dansk language, thanks to Thomas Vedel;
  5. Fix the problem that the indexing service works abnormally;
  6. Try to fix the problem of freezing on some computers;
  7. Fixed some known issues;

2022-7-30 Version 1.2.901

  1. Added support for full-text indexing and searching in mind map formats: lighten, mmap, mm, xmind, etc.;
  2. Added support for djvu and azw(3) full-text indexing and search;
  3. Added support for ofd full-text indexing and search;
  4. Add 64-bit program support;
  5. Speed up indexing and searching;
  6. Add right-click search in the text preview window;
  7. Fixed the unclear fonts issue;
  8. Added 한국어 language, thanks to VenusGirl – 비너스걸❤;
  9. Fixed some known issues;

2022-5-3 Version 1.2.740

  1. Added the feature of previewing the text content of the file through the WEB;
  2. Fixed the issue that if there are multiple sheets in an Excel, it may not be searched;
  3. Fixed some known issues;

2022-4-17 Version 1.2.715(Beta)

  1. Added the feature of syncing the index of specified folders;
  2. Added the feature of HTTP search service (Beta), the fixed HTTP server listen port is 9921, you can change the port in the coming version;
  3. Added the feature of editing multiple file types’ inclusion and exclusion rules for indexing;
  4. Fixed the issue that Anytxt full index search may crash on some Windows 11;
  5. Added the feature of advanced search syntax (beta), you can use &|!”() to do some advanced search;
  6. Added the feature of the theme, Anytxt comes with 3 themes: default, light, dark;
  7. Added Polski language, thanks to Dmocha;
  8. Added עברית language, thanks to Yeshurun Kubi;

2021-7-17 Version 1.2.540

  1. Added the feature of custom hotkeys;

2021-6-16 Version 1.2.532

  1. Added Nederlands language, thanks to Atze;
  2. Added Українська language, thanks to Helly;
  3. Added the feature of rebuilding index;

2021-5-31 Version 1.2.523

  1. Added online translation feature, support Google Translate, Bing Translator, Yandex Translate. This feature requires the Internet;
  2. Added toolbar;
  3. Added forward and back feature for file text preview;
  4. Added Microsoft OneNote file to default index file types;
  5. Added Русский language, thanks to Антон Мырзин aka Paperdaemon;
  6. Fix some issues;

2021-4-22 Version 1.2.483

  1. You can turn on/off the feature of displaying Anytxt in the system tray;
  2. Added the feature of displaying Anytxt to the system context menu. You can start Anytxt directly in the system context menu;
  3. Added the feature of filtering search results by directory;
  4. Added the feature of filtering search results by multiple file types;
  5. Fix some issues;

2021-4-5   Version 1.2.445

  1. Added the feature of that closing Anytxt to the system tray;
  2. Added the feature of that word segmentation by space for Chinese,Japanese, Korean,Vietnamese;
  3. Added the feature that results are default sorted by match degree and the relevance of documents to a given search query;
  4. Optimized search speed, almost in 0.5 sec;
  5. Fixed the issue that no files can be scanned on the FAT file system;
  6. Fixed the issue that the full-text index engine could not work on some network devices;
  7. Fixed some other known issues;

2021-1-15   Version 1.2.394

  1. Added the zoom in/out feature;
  2. Added the word-wrap feature;
  3. Added support for full-text indexing and searching in WPS Office formats .wps .et and .dps;
  4. Improved performance when updating full-text index database;
  5. Fixed some other known issues;
  6. Added multi-language support based on google translation for It may not works fine in Mainland China;


  1. Added the feature of right-clicking opening the contained file folder(s);
  2. Added the feature of right-clicking copying the full path of the file(s);


  1. Try to fix the index database corruption issue;
  2. Added support for German, provided by DHU. Thank you very much;
  3. Fixed some other known issues;


  1. Added the feature of setting index database store path;
  2. Fixed some known issues;


  1. Added the feature of keyword browsing;


  1. Added support for NAS devices. NAS storage based on Microsoft SMB protocol and CIFS protocol has been tested, and it works normally. Some other types of remote storage have not been tested;


  1. Added support for full-text indexing and searching in e-book format epub;
  2. Added support for full-text indexing and searching in e-book format mobi;
  3. Added support for full-text indexing and searching in format chm;
  4. Added support for full-text indexing and searching in e-book format fb2;
  5. Added real-time displaying the index status;
  6. Added support for High DPI;


  1. Added support for updating the full-text index database manually;
  2. Added support for setting automatic update-index cycle;
  3. Added support for starting and stopping indexing service;
  4. Fixed known issues;


  1. Added support for the command line search;
  2. Fixed known issues;


  1. Try to fix the 100% CPU usage issue;
  2. Fix the problem of re-indexing during file updates;


  1. Added fuzzy matching search;
  2. Added whole matching search(Beta);
  3. Added Multi-language support. Currently, the Chinese language has been added due to there being many Chinese users.
    You are welcome to translate it (English.ini) into your local language and send it to me, I will integrate it into the installation package;
  4. Fix some issues;


  1. Added removal of the index;
  2. Added the index rule feature;
  3. Added the Ctrl+C feature;
  4. Added the Ctrl+X feature;
  5. Added the Delete feature;
  6. Added the automatic detection of the new version feature;
  7. Fix some issues;


  1. Added snippets to the search results;


  1. Added an icon to the search button;


  1. Added support for the none-NTFS file system;
  2. Speed up file traversal;
  3. Reduced computer resource consumption;
  4. Fixed some issues;


  1. Added a community link to the help menu to get users’ requests;
  2. Added drag support to the search results list;


  1. Optimized indexing speed;
  2. Optimized support for the Arabic language based on user feedback;
  3. Optimized support for the Chinese language based on user feedback;
  4. Optimized support for the Korean language based on user feedback;
  5. Optimized support for the Japanese language based on user feedback;
  6. Optimized the loading interface when the program starts;