Chinese Characters shown as squares with ? in HTML documents. Resulting in a lots of failed searches.
很多汉字在HTML文档中被索引为�, 这导致无法搜索到相应的内容。
Please find attached a image showing this problem.
Developers always prefer adding new fansy features to their software, but a successful one should treat some fundamental issue more seriously (I ditched a lot of them because of this).
开发者喜欢为软件添加新的功能, 然而, 对更基本的问题的解决, 我认为是软件成功的关键。
I’ll appreciate if the author will fix this problem in a future version, or at least make some response.
如果作者能够解决这一问题, 我会感到很高兴。起码我希望作者可以对这一问题有所回复。