Translate option ends up with error

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  • #1420 Reply


    i have given a huge text in the Translate window. It ends up finally with error – “Error downloading – server replied: Too Many Requests”

    #1 – Accept big string from the user. Not an issue

    #2 – Split the string internally the maximum limit the google or yandex or bing supports

    #3 – Translate them one by one and finally send the entire results in the window

    Note: does the translation via google however works for huge files irrespective of the size or content. Internally they would split and get the result and get back as a single file at the end.

    That would be really good if you can do this simple split and resolve as it would benefit many


    #1436 Reply

    Hi Joseph.
    Thank you so much for your suggestion, the translation feature is just an extended of Anytxt, but it’s not what we are good at.
    For professional translation requirement, please use other professional translation software.
    Of course, we will try our best to do better.
    Thank you.

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