Cannot remove existing index data and allow indexing of chosen folder only

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  • #15043 Reply

    I want to set the app to scan/index only two chosen folders for two types of files only and I am unable to do that.

    Step to reproduce:
    1) Installed the app
    2) Options->Index Manager->Index Rules – I have removed all files and added only two of my choice with “Only include the following Paths” option.
    For test scenario: file .xml, path: d:\AnyTxtSearcher
    At this path a single file text.xml exists with content of “save text”

    3) Options->Index Manager->Reindex – app turned off, I opened it manually. Got information about re-indexing etc.

    4) In the search bar I write “save” and press go

    5) Effect: 330 files of .doc, .txt, .pdf and .xml found…

    Why is it like that? …

    I tried:
    – to search for .db files in directory pointed to from Option->Index Manager->Index Store Path – it was C:\Program Files\AnyTXT Searcher\data, but there’s no data folder in this directory…
    – I changed folder in above setting dialog to d:\AnyTxtSearcher_data and restarted the app. Three files showed there (C, D, E .ati)
    – again I run Options->Index Manager->Reindex hoping it will delete those data files this time – with no effect, they were unchanged when I restarted the app
    – I run Options->Index Manager->Reindex again and tried to delete those files manually – received information about service still running…
    – manually I killed the service, re-openned the app and hoped it will finally scan only the test directory I set up – unfortunately for some reason it again scanned all the default files etc. – after going to Options->Index Manager->Index Rules it contained all the default files again instead of the single test file, as I prepared it before…

    Now whatever I do, it always adds those default files after I kill the service and service starts immediately when starting the program after quitting it and killing the service, so in the end I am unable to achieve my very simple goal – to have the app index only the folders I want! That’s some very broken functionality… It is a shame, as beside that the app is very functional.

    There really should be some simple way/option to have the app re-index everything with current settings and DELETING old index in the process. Also why is it adding those default files to Index Rules after killing service?

    I can provide screenshots if that would help.

    #15050 Reply


    Please upload your screenshots so that we can further analyze it.

    Thanks for your feedback.

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