Cannot search for files size larger than 50MB?

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  • #1372 Reply

    Hi there,

    I find Anytxt can only search for files smaller than 50MB. Can I search for larger size files?

    #1373 Reply

    try DOCFETCHER or even EVERYTHING SEARCH 1.5beta now can index and search inside whole documents.

    #1374 Reply

    Hello, tom

    Yes, Anytxt just process file less 50MB.

    Thank you

    #1375 Reply

    the problem we have with ANYTXT is that there is very little documentation or instructions. now we learning cannot index files larger than 50mb. There is next to no updates from the developer.

    the updates which mostly are beta come with zero logs. So who knows what is going on and what improvements there areif any because you just don’t know what was changed, added or removed!!

    developing software is hard work and i feel for the developer. So you have two choices.

    1. wait for ANYTXT to develope and mature which could take years

    2.  try alternatives until then like DOCFETCHER PRO version or EVERYTHING SEARCH v1.5 beta which now can index documents


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