I would like to know some issues about the deployment and installation of this software.
1.Whats the difference about the install version between mirror and control?
2. I want use this tools with my friend, could we set the Index path to a same location like the local public folder? What will happen if we do this? Could I get the lattest index if my friend had updated the index before?
3.I had seen there is a auto index update function in this tools for 30mins 2hours or 4hours, what is the starting point for calculating this time period?Is it calculated from the time the software is opened or based on the 24-hour clock?
4.I found the beta function HTTP Search will create a port in my PC when I install this tools but infact I may not use this function, is there any way can refuse create this port when I install this tools?
Looking for all suggestion and support,thank a lot.