like to search in Office Outlook ?.PST

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  • #2668 Reply
    Paul J Moesman

    wold be nice to search in my *.pst file.

    i do it normalie in search inbox than all to find a specific mail.

    or i have to learn .net ??? comon i’m 78 years old starting to forget things  C++ is getting harder .for me all the time.


    Paul j moesman

    phone if i hear the damn thing. 47 92454963.

    0750 Oslo Norway.

    #2702 Reply

    Hi, Paul.

    We are glad that Anytxt is helpful to you, we take your questions very seriously, please send your needs directly to
    We will contact you as soon as possible, thank you.

    #15208 Reply
    Alex Cotton

    Hallo AnyTxt team,

    I was wondering if the request for searching Outlook PST files was ever progressed?

    thanks in advance

    Alex Cotton

    #15232 Reply

    Hello,Alex Cotton

    Searching content text in Outlook PST files are in the plan, please notice to Anytxt subsequent release versions.

    Could you please send some .pst files to us for testing ? Please contact technical support email .

    Thank you very much.

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