Multiuser / Websitefeature

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  • #8430 Reply

    I find the tool cool. However, I have the problem when several users want to access it. Two instances can not be opened.
    It would be good if the website function could be started on a server and the documents found could then be displayed via download or, in the case of PDFs, perhaps integrated into the browser.

    Regards Claudio

    #8431 Reply

    Thanks for your feedback

    #9421 Reply

    I appreciate the work that has obviously gone into this tool.

    I think this post answered the question I had as to whether this would allow concurrent users of the same index.

    It sounds like it won’t work but I wanted to see if there were the possibility of having  one user doing any updates of the index and all other users were only reading the index.

    We really need a  multi-user search tool but have very limited funding to use to find a solution.

    Tried docfetcher but it continually crashed  and never made it thru the indexing.

    Anyone have other suggestions ?


    Thanks in advance.


    #9745 Reply

    HI,  Verlyn.

    Multi-user? Do you mean Anytxt http search service?


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