portable version?

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  • #615 Reply

    First off, thank you for making an incredible tool. Everything Search was an app I had to tell everyone about after I started using it. I just recently stumbled upon AnyTxt, and it will be spoken in the same sentence when i tell others what software they absolutely should be using to make their computing lives easier.

    I searched the forum and didn’t find any mention, but is there a portable version planned, available, easily created of AnyTXT?

    #616 Reply

    Hi, this is the CMD, hope it helps.

    atgui.exe /l 9
    atgui.exe /g Install
    atservice.exe -i
    net.exe start ATService
    net.exe stop ATService
    cmd.exe /c taskkill /f /t /im atgui.exe
    cmd.exe /c taskkill /f /t /im atservice.exe
    atservice.exe -u
    atgui.exe /g Uninstall
    #13782 Reply


    Is it possible to write your CMD code as a Nullsoft Scriptable (nsh file) so I will try to make AnyTXT portable

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