search word in PDF file

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  • #1459 Reply

    Dear Developer,

    It seems PDF text is extracted with space separated, for example,  “13868箇字符,目前普遍使用於臺灣、香港等地區。” in the PDF file will be extracted as “1 3 8 6 8 箇 字 符 , 目 前 普 遍 使 用 於 臺 灣 、 香 港 等 地 區 。”, aka, a space is added between every two characters.

    To get a PDF file that contains word “普遍使用”, the key has to  be “普 遍 使 用”, aka, space needs to added manually after  the characters.

    Another problem is this search won’t get the other text files, DOCx etc that actually contain word “普遍使用”.

    To get other files, one more search is needed, key word is “普遍使用”, aka no space in between.

    This does not seem to  be user friendly.

    For information, I’m using the build 1.2.532.


    #1461 Reply

    Hi, I got it, thanks for your feedback.

    #1468 Reply

    The search needs to behave like google search.

    When searching for two words the results must be in the document. But if i am searching for a string “one two” then these words must bring back exactly these results.

    I don’t believe ANYTXT is working like this. The search function does make sense.

    If I use fuzzy it brings back not the result i expect. But when I use exact match it brings back the string. This is a big pain in the ass because I need to keep changing the settings.

    Why not just have if i want exact match then i use commas? …. ” one two”.


    #1469 Reply

    errata. i mean to say

    I don’t believe ANYTXT is working like this. The search function does NOT make sense.

    #1582 Reply
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