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  • #391 Reply
    Mike Pengelly

    I just started using the product. It seems to work well, as far as it goes. However it seems to have a very limited search syntax, compared to DocFetcher for example. Is it possible to provide a definition of the Default Search syntax, Fuzzy Match syntax, and Whole Match syntax? Are you planning to extend the search syntax in the future? Thank for providing a useful tool.

    #392 Reply

     Fuzzy Match or Whole Match

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by admin.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by admin.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by admin.
    #397 Reply

    Hi.I have some questions for anytxt.
    1、Can anytxt support imge file,such as .png file.
    2、where can get the anytxt’s source ?

    #398 Reply

    1 Do you mean the OCR? It will be supported in future release, please stay tuned.
    2 Anytxt is not an open-source software, but SDK will be released for developers, just like Everything desktop search.
    Thank you!

    #399 Reply

    yes,i new png file type,but it not work. : (

    thank you!

    #747 Reply
    P W D

    Hi.I have just some suggestion for AnyTxt too.

    1. I hope that when we right click the “Path” column’s text, it can popup a menu for us to exclude the path and double-click to open a path

    2. I want to search a phrase just knows the words’ first letter like ‘P? W? D?’, but I find the AnyTxt cannot support. I hope that we can use the Regular Expression syntax to achieve it.

    #746 Reply
    P W D

    Hi.I have just some suggestion for AnyTxt too.

    1. I hope that when we right click the “Path” column’s text, it can popup a menu for us to exclude the path like the following picture shows:

    and double-click to open a path like following picture shows:

    2. I want to search a phrase just knows the words’ first letter like ‘P? W? D?’, but I find the AnyTxt cannot support. I hope that we can use the Regular Expression syntax to achieve it.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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