Second Re-Index Option

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  • #16074 Reply

    Hi AnyTxt Searcher

    Re: Second Re-Index Option

    1. Firstly, congratulations on your software coming out tops for me over DocFetcher, TextSeek, Agent Ransack & TextFinding.

    2. Would it be possible to have the fields format of your .ati index files?

    I would like to write the index out again without files that have been deleted, then do an update rather than a re-index (which deletes the whole index – 251MB for one index in my case & another 2000 files to go)?

    I would like to keep the indexes quite tidy (for speed & backup size) & not have to go through an re-index for around 300 deletions (project purges) out of about 6000 documents (PDF’s adding to daily) over a 12 month period.

    3. Or, would you please consider this along with other option suggestions with the far superior code you could write to do it than I ever could!


    Kind Regards


    #16089 Reply


    The function of quickly rebuilding the index based on the index file will be added later.

    Please notice to Anytxt subsequent release versions.

    Thank you.

    #16192 Reply

    Hi Abbie


    Received With Thanks.


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