VERY IMPORTANT for PROFESSIONAL use: Include Advanced Google search operator

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  • #10831 Reply
    Vasile Caraus

    it is nice the program, but the most important thing is missing. THE SEARCH must include “advanced_operators_reference”

    For example:

    (This will find missings words between “the reality” and “that”, also will show the words after “that” )

    “the reality * that *”

    (This will find missings words between “than” and “reality”, and will find them if there is a word “that” at an interval of least 11 words)

    “than * reality” AROUND(11) “that”

    Also, you can check the entire list of Google Operatos:

    But this kind of professional search, is much more important than anything. If you will add this king of advanced search, your program will become nr 1 in the word. Right now, dtSearch is better than AnyText, because is has a better and professional search tips.


    #10834 Reply

    hello allknower waslin, the most important thing in the world right now is to include indexing files over 50mb.

    #12977 Reply

    Got them. Thank you

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