Folder To Index (Not Entire System)

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  • #9539 Reply

    It would be good if the full index doesn’t happen initially. It would be good if the index is choosen by the user…

    Choosing a folder in the 1st attempt is not possible right now. By Default, index gets started…which is forcibly the user to stop.

    #13194 Reply

    Quick question to Ming Yuan:

    Thank you for the tool. Great job

    I want to index only ONE folder in my computer which is ONLY Excel (*.XLS) and PDF (*.PDF) files.

    Is the step below correct:

    OPTION/INDEX MANAGER/INDEX RULES then select *.XLS or *.PDF and select ONLY INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING PATH and select the folder?

    Is this correct? Will it still INDEX the entire computer if I only select the specific folder?



    #13198 Reply

    One more question:

    Does the application continue running in the background indexing the folder every 4 hours, even if the application is exited?

    In that case, can I stop the index and run it whenever i want?


    #14067 Reply

    To manually start the indexing service:
    1.Press the Windows key + R on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
    2.Type “services.msc” in the Run dialog box and press Enter. This will open the Services management console.
    3.In the Services window, locate the service ‘ATService’. You can scroll through the list or use the search function to find it.
    4.Right-click on the service and select “Properties” from the context menu.
    5.In the Properties window, you should see a “Startup type” dropdown menu. Click on the dropdown menu and select “Manual” from the options.
    6.Click “Apply” and then “OK” to save the changes.
    Thank you.

    #14925 Reply

    Hi, John.

    Thank you for sharing your solution.

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